First Year Teaching: 7 Strategies to Avoid Teacher Burnout

Season #1 Episode #17

Avoiding burnout as a first year teacher can feel nearly impossible. Everything is new, you are learning how to make the impact you were destined to make, create systems that work for you and your students, all the while trying to take care of yourself. In this week’s episode I share the REAL reason why I shared the Present Teacher and how to avoid teacher burnout as a first year teacher. Listen now to unlock the secret to getting out of burnout now and to create systems so you never fall into the teacher burnout pit again!

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I’m Helena, a coach for new and first-year teachers sharing knowledge on how to have a thriving career and personal life.

The Present Teacher Podcast is a resource for classroom management, classroom organization, time management, and teacher wellness. Follow along and learn how to thrive in the classroom and in life.

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